Monday, January 22, 2007

2nd Assignment

2nd Assignment!!!!

THE TASK: Finding 3 examples of visceral, behavioural and reflective design. As we have learnt in the lecture

A visceral design refers to one which is bought for its attractiveness therefore the visual elements of the product is the most important consideration for consumers who buy the product for its appeal on how it looks.

Behavioural design refers to the consideration of its functionality and its usefulness as its most important feature.

Lastly, we have the reflective design whereby the user buys the design because of the prestige that the product brings when the user is seen using or carrying the product.

I have chosen the product of women's wear to illustrate these 3 elements in a product design.

Louis Vuitton Women's Wear

Visceral: 7/10

The design is classy and unique but it is not that visually pleasing. It is not a design which will be attractive to the general population. It is a upscale design which is generally only purchased and worn by the upper class population because they have the occasions to wear this kind of clothing for.

Behavioural: 4/10

It is not suitable for normal occasions like work or going out on a casual outing as the outfit is too grand for such events. It does not look very comfortable to move around in with the design as the wearer has to make sure that the outfit will still look flawless at the end of the day. Therefore it is not a very functional outfit suitable for everyday wear.
Reflective: 10/10

This is definitely a product which exemplifies reflective design. Louis Vuitton users normally buys its products because of the prestige which comes along with wearing/carrying the brand. Therefore brand is the main reason why buyer purchase the product, not mainly the design (visceral) or for functionality. It is classy and the design itself lets people know that you belong to the upper class and gives people the impression that you are rich and sophisticated.

Adidas Sportswear


For a women's sportswear, this is considered a very attractive design because it is sporty and yet sophisticated. The color is very nice and the design is of the country USA representing the town of Chicago. Therefore it has nationalism embedded in the design. The top, the pants and the shoes are all designed beautifully and has a feminine element admist the sporty image of a woman.

Behavioural: 10/10

This is a truly behavioural design because its main functinality is to play sports comfortably. The top underneath the jacket is a sportswear which absorbs sweat so that sportswomen will not feel so sticky while playing a game and this will enhance a person's ability to perform to their top level. Moreover, the jacket is also stretchable and it is comfortable to wear in after playing a sport. It also serves as a jacket to protect one from the cold. The trackpants is stretchable too and is therefore suitable for sports like yoga and jogging as sportswomen can be flexible in this outfit. Moreover it is designed with Chicago designs on it which means that it also serves the patriotism of a person when wore with that intention in mind. It therefore serves the cultural purpose as well. Truly a functional outfit which is comfortable to wear in at the same time.

Reflective: 8/10

In the world of sports, Adidas can be considered as one of the top 3 brands alongside Reebok and Nike so therefore sportsmen will be considered as being very fashionable if they are wearing Adidas. Even though it is not as reflective as Louis Vuitton, it does serve as a prestige factor as well. I, for one am a supporter of Adidas when it comes to sportswear as I feel good wearing it due to its brand and design.

Gucci's Women Wear

Visceral: 10/10This is a beautiful piece of work from Gucci which is chic and sophisticated. It is a piece of fashion clothing which is meant for formal events. It is stylish and colourful with materials of silk which looks elegant and expensive. It is artistic and very classy.

Behavioural: 4/10

Functional wise, it is only meant for formal events which requires a gown. Other than that, this cannot be wore for other events as it will be uncomfortable for the user since it is long and flowy which obstrudes movement.

Reflective: 10/10

It has the same level of prestige as the Louis Vuitton outfit since it is also branded and as high-class as the other. People wearing it would just feel as important and be deemed as upper class and also sophisticated just like those who are wearing Louis Vuitton. The look of the dress itself exemplifies class and elegance.


From these products, we can see that products usually contain either or all of the elements of visceral, behavioural or reflective attributes. However, usually one element will be more dominant than the others which will determine what kind of target audience it will attract. In the case of visceral products, it will attract consumers who are visually conscious as they tend to go for looks of the products and their main goal is to look good with their accessories so that their image in front of others will be beautiful and elegant. Those products where behavioural characteristics will dominate will attract those who are practical and wants functionality over looks or prestige. They want to get the best products with the best specifications and results. Reflective consumers go for branding and they will buy the products which will earn them respect from others. Prestige is most important to them when it comes to buying products. Each attribute is important in its own self and a product will be lacking if it is missing in any of these attributes.

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